
Ariana grande and justin bieber stuck with you lyrics
Ariana grande and justin bieber stuck with you lyrics

ariana grande and justin bieber stuck with you lyrics

I imagine that if I were stuck with my bae, I’d play the song on loop as I gently coerce him into doing TikTok challenges with me in true Justin and Hailey style. Though if you’re in a LDR or single, then it’s more of a skippable song for me (I’m not bitter, you are). Mia Nazareno: It is definitely on the sweeter, Honey Nut Cheerios side if you are quarantining with your significant other. Joe Lynch: I’d put it at Honey Nut Cheerios, as the sweetness is certainly akin to Saturday morning breakfast with cartoons: kid-friendly, libido-free, comforting and just a little sluggish, but in a pleasant sort of way. Two pop superstars joining forces to capture a unique historical moment while raising money for charity? Sign me up, even if the chemistry on display here takes a few listens to be fully absorbed. Jason Lipshutz: Let’s give it that Honey Nut Cheerios level of sweetness - “Stuck With U” has pretty quickly grown on me, and I now hear the interplay between Justin and Ariana on the track as soothing after initially finding it sleepy. Mentioning a specific oversized shirt someone has been wearing for a week straight, or finding a way to rhyme something affectionate with sourdough, or whatever baking trend is happening right now… that would do it for me.

ariana grande and justin bieber stuck with you lyrics

This song is 10/10 cute, and definitely has some sweet lines (particularly these two in Bieber’s verse: “I’ma get to know you better/ Kinda hope we’re here forever”) but personally, I’m a sucker for hyper-specific lyrics in a love song. Lyndsey Havens: Honestly, I’m resisting every urge to select Watermelon Sugar only because that music video is top of mind right now, but I have to go with Sweet’N Low. least to most) how genuinely sweet do you find the song to be? On a scale of Vinegar, Sweet’N Low, Honey Nut Cheerios and Watermelon Sugar, (i.e. So, we asked about a month ago about whether we were due for an onslaught of quarantine-themed pop songs - now we appear to have our first chart-topping love song on the topic. Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber's 'Stuck With U' Debuts at No.

Ariana grande and justin bieber stuck with you lyrics