I imagine that if I were stuck with my bae, I’d play the song on loop as I gently coerce him into doing TikTok challenges with me in true Justin and Hailey style. Though if you’re in a LDR or single, then it’s more of a skippable song for me (I’m not bitter, you are). Mia Nazareno: It is definitely on the sweeter, Honey Nut Cheerios side if you are quarantining with your significant other. Joe Lynch: I’d put it at Honey Nut Cheerios, as the sweetness is certainly akin to Saturday morning breakfast with cartoons: kid-friendly, libido-free, comforting and just a little sluggish, but in a pleasant sort of way. Two pop superstars joining forces to capture a unique historical moment while raising money for charity? Sign me up, even if the chemistry on display here takes a few listens to be fully absorbed. Jason Lipshutz: Let’s give it that Honey Nut Cheerios level of sweetness - “Stuck With U” has pretty quickly grown on me, and I now hear the interplay between Justin and Ariana on the track as soothing after initially finding it sleepy. Mentioning a specific oversized shirt someone has been wearing for a week straight, or finding a way to rhyme something affectionate with sourdough, or whatever baking trend is happening right now… that would do it for me.

This song is 10/10 cute, and definitely has some sweet lines (particularly these two in Bieber’s verse: “I’ma get to know you better/ Kinda hope we’re here forever”) but personally, I’m a sucker for hyper-specific lyrics in a love song. Lyndsey Havens: Honestly, I’m resisting every urge to select Watermelon Sugar only because that music video is top of mind right now, but I have to go with Sweet’N Low. least to most) how genuinely sweet do you find the song to be? On a scale of Vinegar, Sweet’N Low, Honey Nut Cheerios and Watermelon Sugar, (i.e. So, we asked about a month ago about whether we were due for an onslaught of quarantine-themed pop songs - now we appear to have our first chart-topping love song on the topic. Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber's 'Stuck With U' Debuts at No.